Church Supplies

1264 item(s)

7 item(s)
"A pad of 26 tear-out parchment certificates (8" x 6") for baptism printed on blue parchment paper. Space for name, church name, date and pastor's signature. The pad has a tab that stays with it as a record of certificates given. The tab has space for name, place baptized, church name and...

1 item(s)

Sacred Selections, Inc. – A collection of songs and hymns compiled by Ruth Shelton, daughter of R. E. Winsett. Some songs: A Tramp On The Street/He’ll Understand And Say “Well Done”/Jesus Is Thinking Of You/Heaven Is Nearer Since Mother Is There/Take A Moment And Live/The First Noel/The Dearest Friend I Ever Had/Daniel Prayed/Don’t Take Your Eyes Off The Savior.

391 item(s)
You can record your weekly Sunday School attendance all year long with this book! Each Sunday place a mark in the correct box for the students present. You can record the total attendance as well as the total offering your church receives. Includes Visitor Follow-Up Worksheet and Quarterly...
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