Lamp Program

Leaders advancing in Ministry Program {LAMP} has been developed out of two convictions. First, some people aware of the call of God to ministry prefer homebased, self-paced training rather than formal ministerial training. Second, men and women called of God to lay ministry within the context of the local church need training to better live out that call. LAMP has been developed primarily to meet those needs.

The leadership development process of LAMP involves three levels.

1. Level 100 consists of basic discipleship materials organized around the theme pf Personal Leadership Development.

2. Level 200 is designed to develop a working knowledge of the Scripture as well as an overview of basic theology and church history.

3. Level 300 is particularly designed to be completed by those who are pursing ordination to pastoral ministry without pursing a religious studies degree. This section also requires ministry projects to coincide with many of the courses being studied in Pastoral Leadership Development. This section provides a variety of options for the student as that each student in consulatioin with his/her mentor may craft a well-rounded byt personally tailored progam of the studyt.

1 item(s)
Leader's Guide for teaching 12 lessons on Christian History

1 item(s)
A modern classic--revised with more than 70 percent new material--is based on seven Scriptural realities that teach Christians how to develop a true relationship with the Creator. The Experiencing God ministry is even more vibrant today than when it began. As it continues to rise, and the world...

1 item(s)
With passionate storytelling and convincing biblical analysis, a pastor and motivator calls Christ's followers to become radical: live the gospel in ways that are true, filled with promise, and ultimately world changing.

1 item(s)
In Pray for the Flock, pastors Brian Croft and Ryan Fullerton provide biblical encouragement, practical advice, and helpful suggestions that will help busy pastors effectively pray for their people and care for their church through the ministry of intercession.

45 item(s)
This book gives an in-depth look into the doctrine of the General Baptist denomination. Includes discussion on; Wedding Ceremonies, The Communion Service, The Baptismal Service, General Baptist Policy Statements, Constitution and By-Laws of Council of Associations, Rules of Order and much more...

167 item(s)
The pages you have before you are not just a theology book in the stricest sense of that term although they contain theology. It is far from being a historu book although it contains some history. It is more an opening up of our hearts and minds and introducing ourselves to the world as General...

21 item(s)
The Social Issues Commission of the General Association of General Baptists is charged with assisting General Baptists in the consideration of vital issues within our society. This commission developed, "The Social Principals if General Baptists" as approved by the 1975 General Association. This...

398 item(s)

Excerpt: I welcome you to a reading of the Statements of Faith and the Church Covenant of the General Association of General Baptist. If you are General Baptist I encourage your reflection on our statements. They are our historic position that we consider to be biblically faithful and sufficiently adequate to unite us as a people. If you are not General Baptist, let me thank you for your interest in us. I hope your reading encourages you to perceive our desire to be faithful disciples of Jesus Christ and that you will acknowledge us as one group, among others, that rightfully and joyfully claims the name Christian.

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