Literature / Curriculum

*Pictures may not match current quarter*

We are currently taking orders for the Summer 2024 Quarter. Shipping will start April 22nd. If you have any questions, please call us at 573-686-6011


Spring Qtr: March 31st, Summer Qtr: June 30th, Fall Qtr: September 30th, Winter Qtr: December 15th

If you would like to order Randall House Literature please call us to place your order.

RANDALL HOUSE RETURNS ONLY***Sept/Oct block-Sept 22nd, Nov/Dec block–Nov 22nd, Jan/Feb-block Jan 22nd, Mar/Apr block-Mar 22nd , May-June block-May 22nd , July/Aug-block July 22nd

1 item(s)
Bible-in-Life for preteens challenges kids to see God throughout the week and apply His Word to their everyday life. Preteens build out their faith foundation through Bible study, Scripture memory and conversations about current events, friendships, peer pressure and family relationships—all...

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The Velocity Devotional Study Guide is an award-winning magazine that helps young teens get into the Scripture on their own. The guide contains 8-9 weeks of daily Bible studies students can use in their personal quiet time to help reinforce the themes of the lessons they learn each Sunday....

1 item(s)
The Real Time take-home paper challenges students with daily devotionals, poems, quizzes, and ideas

1 item(s)
Fun activities and cool art will get them laughing and keep them thinking. Challenge your young teens to look at the real world through the lens of Scripture. (One per student)

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This guide has everything you need to enter the classroom ready to challenge your kids with the Gospel. Great comment, fun activities, and interesting discussion--all available so that you can hit the ground running.

1 item(s)
Sharp posters and eye-catching displays spruce up a classroom while driving home the message. Kit includes colorful posters, pictures, and/or figures. Activity sheets to enhance learning. Eye-catching life-application sheets
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