Literature / Curriculum

*Pictures may not match current quarter*

We are currently taking orders for the Summer 2024 Quarter. Shipping will start April 22nd. If you have any questions, please call us at 573-686-6011


Spring Qtr: March 31st, Summer Qtr: June 30th, Fall Qtr: September 30th, Winter Qtr: December 15th

If you would like to order Randall House Literature please call us to place your order.

RANDALL HOUSE RETURNS ONLY***Sept/Oct block-Sept 22nd, Nov/Dec block–Nov 22nd, Jan/Feb-block Jan 22nd, Mar/Apr block-Mar 22nd , May-June block-May 22nd , July/Aug-block July 22nd

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Send home this beautifully illustrated two-sided card to help Bible lessons thrive in kid’s hearts and hands as they take weekly lessons home. Each card presents the Bible story and includes family suggestions for parents to extend the Bible lesson into the home during the week. Print only....

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This craft book provides simple projects your preschoolers can make with their own hands. Each craft is designed to reinforce the weekly Lesson Focus and help your children remember the Bible story. Print only. Need one per child. Frequently Purchased with the Preschool Make It/Take It Craft...

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Creative Teaching Aids provide all essential audio and visual resources to go with the Teacher’s Guide and enhance lessons. This packet includes Bible-art posters and figures, puppets, a quarterly attendance chart, a music PraisePac CD-featuring three original worship songs that correlate with...

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Guide Preschoolers to know God’s love and discover the truth of His Word! In this quarterly guide you’ll find age-appropriate lessons that build on spiritual development to form a faith foundation for life. Lessons include background information on the Bible story, tips on understanding and...

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Starting Steps is a weekly children’s take-home publication that is your link into each child's home. Includes a short devotional for the busy parent, age-level tips, an amusing anecdote, and the interactive Bible story to be told over and over at home. Full color and beautifully illustrated....

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Creative Teaching Aids provide all essential audio and visual resources for teaching and reaching toddlers. Includes interactive Bible-art figures that toddlers can hold and move. Fun lesson-based songs help children learn and remember as they sing along. Fully reproducible CD filled with 13...

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Help toddlers and two-year-olds discover the Bible with this quarterly guide filled with exciting and easy-to-use lessons. Bible-in-Life provides toddlers, 18 months through two years old, with a multi-sensory Sunday school experience. As a first introduction to faith, lessons are designed to...

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Home Study is especially for people who cannot attend Sunday school regularly. For example, this publication meets the spiritual needs of shut-ins and those whose necessary work keeps them from being in the Lord’s house, such as firemen, nurses, and police. This publication provides a way for...

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Home Study is especially for people who cannot attend Sunday school regularly. For example, this publication meets the spiritual needs of shut-ins and those whose necessary work keeps them from being in the Lord’s house, such as firemen, nurses, and police. This publication provides a way for...

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Sunday School Superintendent offers valuable guidance for the administrator regarding lessons for both adults and children. This publication not only outlines the main themes of the lessons but also addresses the key issues to help prepare teachers for challenging questions. To liven up the...

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Adult Bible Class leads the adult student to a deeper knowledge of Bible truths through a detailed lesson exposition. The Scripture Lesson Text is in large print for class members who have difficulty reading smaller type. Each lesson also features sections dealing with practical points,...

Adult Bible Class leads the adult student to a deeper knowledge of Bible truths through a detailed lesson exposition. The Scripture Lesson Text is in large print for class members who have difficulty reading smaller type. Each lesson also features sections dealing with practical points,...

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Adult Bible Teacher is a practical teaching manual designed to give quick help to busy teachers as they prepare to impart God’s Word. An in-depth, verse-by-verse exposition lays bare the main truths of each lesson. The Scripture Lesson Text is in large print for ease in reading. There also are...

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Adult Bible Teacher is a practical teaching manual designed to give quick help to busy teachers as they prepare to impart God’s Word. An in-depth, verse-by-verse exposition lays bare the main truths of each lesson. The Scripture Lesson Text is in large print for ease in reading. There also are...

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The Bible Expositor and Illuminator offers the most comprehensive and thorough treatment in biblical studies available today. This 192-page teaching manual is written by outstanding Christian workers, seminary-trained writers, and dedicated Bible scholars. It contains an abundance of teaching...

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The Bible Expositor and Illuminator offers the most comprehensive and thorough treatment in biblical studies available today. This 192-page teaching manual is written by outstanding Christian workers, seminary-trained writers, and dedicated Bible scholars. It contains an abundance of teaching...

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Senior High Bible Class presents the message of each Scripture lesson in weekly features that challenge senior high youths and at the same time hold their attention. The spiritual growth of the students is facilitated by daily Bible readings to encourage daily private devotions,...

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Each Senior High Bible Teacher lesson fortifies the teacher with a wealth of spiritual truth and up-to-date lesson applications that are designed to whet the appetites of new students and to maintain high interest in regular class members. The teacher will find inspirational articles, daily...

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Empower your twelve- to fourteen-year-old students to take ownership of their faith! Intermediate Bible Class+ gives them all they need to meditate on the weekly Scripture—a well-crafted Bible lesson, thought-provoking questions, practical application, and more! With a pop of color and a...

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Intermediate Bible Teacher+ gives teachers of students ages twelve to fourteen the tools to equip them for a life of discipleship. Dig deep with a well-crafted Bible lesson, and build relationships with your students through activities and discussion. Your twelve- to fourteen-year-old students...

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What does the Bible say, and how does it apply to me? Junior Bible Class+ answers your nine- to eleven-year-old students’ questions about God and the Christian life through a well-crafted Bible lesson, fun articles, and practical application. With a pop of color and a touch of humor, Junior...

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Getting to know God is an exciting adventure! Junior Bible Teacher+ gives teachers the tools to equip nine- to eleven-year-old students for their journey. Dig deep with a well-crafted Bible lesson, and build relationships with your students through activities and discussion. Students from...

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With full-color activities, fun puzzles, and engaging quizzes, children will thoroughly enjoy this hands-on approach to Bible learning. To be paired with Primary Bible Teacher+. Primary Bible Learner+ is our new quarterly designed specifically for young school-age children. Every lesson...

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Need help knowing which truths to stress or how to help the Bible lesson stick? Our newly reimagined Primary Bible Teacher+ is an invaluable teaching aid that will help you effectively impart God’s truth. Primary Bible Teacher+ is our fully refreshed and expanded guide for the teacher of...
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